Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Bad Daddy Game

So the in-laws (MiMi and Papa) are staying for a few days, and I wake up their first morning here at 7am to hear Mimi and Ike having a grand ol' time in the guest room, laughing and carrying on. "Great!" I whisper and roll over to get maybe an hour more sleep. 
Then... I start listening to their game. And it was going something like this:
Mimi: "Daddy? Can I have some cereal?"
Ike: No!
Mimi: (fake crying) Whaaaaaah!
Ike: (giggling with glee) Do it again!
Mimi: Daddy? Can I have a cookie?
Ike: No!
Mimi: Whaaaaaahhh!
Ike: Do it again Mimi!
What in the heck? I stumble into the room putting on a bathrobe. 
What are you guys doing?
Ike with a big smile on his face says, "I'm playing Bad Daddy with Mimi!"
Mimi looks a little embarrassed.
I rub my head and not knowing what to say mumble, "Well... keep it down will ya?" and exit.
As I'm walking down the hall I hear giggling and 
Daddy, can we play Bad Daddy?
Hahahahahhahahaha! Do it again Mimi! Do it again!

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