Saturday, February 21, 2009

They Trashed My B-ROY Cup!

At the Blazer Game with Ike (4 years old mind you) I brought my Brandon Roy REFILL cup for the first time this season (because I keep freakin' forgettin' the motha). And as the Rose Garden battle-ax is scannin' our tickets she tells me I can't come in with the CUP! What's up with this?! It's a refill cup that I practically had to sell my car for it was so damned expensive! (But I thought hell man if I can get refills, fine.) So I said "I have to throw it away?" She didn't say nothin' but the line's backin' up so in front of my son I had to throw away the Brandon Roy cup! And Ike starts CRYIN'. He loves Brandon Roy man, loves the guy. I do too. Don't get me started. Total man crush.
So I go to season ticket services and I lay it on these people. "You made my son throw away his Brandon Roy cup! You liars told me I could do refills, what's up wit' dis!?" The suit says they changed the policy because it was unsanitary. "Well your rule change made this sweet little boy cry man, come on, who can I talk to here?" (Ike's layin' it on too, green snot runnin' out of his nose, eyes all red.) They hurriedly got the kid another cup, quick man let me tell ya. They don't want to be hearin' in the paper they made no kids cry. Their tryin' like hell to shed the ol' "jail blazer" crap ya know. 
So games over and we're leavin' and Ike starts cryin' again, and I say "What's up man?" He says "I'm scared that lady's gonna take my cup again."
Scarred, man. Scarred for life! You hear that Paul Allen?! B-Roy, you better put a fricken' splint on Oden's leg and win a championship or I'm gonna have a Laker fan for a son. 
Ew. Good God! Nails on a chalk board brother. Don't even want to think about it.

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