Monday, February 16, 2009


While Ike's watching Aristocats for the 17th time this morning I thought I'd pop out this blog goddamnit. I need to do this. Struggling playwright, stay at home dad... yeah screw you. That's what I do. yeah, my son's eating sweethearts for breakfast, call the cops why don't ya. Forget this, I gotta do laundry. The name for this blog by the freakin' way comes from my son after I drove back from Spokane with bald tires. Yeah, I'm bad. But I'm the only Dad you got now get in your babyseat and quit spilling your sippy cup! Out.


  1. Pshaw...that's good parenting where I come from. :)

  2. I like this. Please use proper spelling and punctuation so that I can enjoy it more.

  3. Such naughty talk from such a pale flower. And I still can't see how Steppenwolf can help Claus, unless they play the state fair this summer. And even then . . .
